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  • 今津 ショップ
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Mind overload! What to focus on? The Barton Boom Vang System working to keep the sail filled to perfection and the boom nicely placed where Jeff wants it to be on his Moody 33 "Casius", or the historic Thames Barge "@sailing.barge.thalatta" which he ran into whilst heading down the East Coast of the U.K. near to Aldborough.
The Barton Boom Vang System is available in 3 different sizes for boats up to 40ft and SWLs between 370kg (815lbs) and 750kg (1650lbs) depending on the model. The system comes supplied with braided polyester line and a soft eye pre-spliced.
Thames Barge Thalatta provides educational adventure voyages for schools and youth groups and has been doing so for over 50 years. She was built at McLearon’s yard at Harwich in 1906 and carried 150 tonne cargos to ports on both sides of the channel until 1966 when she Wass refitted and used as a training vessel. Great to see her in all her glory in full sail!

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