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Skywatch BL1000(お取り寄せ)

Skywatch BL1000(お取り寄せ)

定価 ¥0 ¥170,830 セール

在庫数 : 2

商品タイプ :

メーカー : JDC Electronic SA

商品コード: JDCBL-1000

Skywatch® BL-1000 – Bluetooth® weather station with wind-speed and direction, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, tracking and data-logger with alarm function

The Skywatch BL-1000 is a rugged portable weather station designed for rapid deployment. It has been developed by and for professionals who need to make measurements of and document local weather conditions, e.g. fire brigades, incident response, police, open-air exhibitions, stage operators, construction companies and agriculture.

The Skywatch BL-1000 is a complete weather station which provides accurate measurements of wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humdity and barometric pressure, and relays these to a dedicated smart-phone application and secure data warehouse.

The BL-1000 is capable of storing data locally on an Android™ smart-phone or tablet, and transferring the measurements to a data-warehouse with map visualisation. Data can subsequently be extracted from the map to a CSV (comma separated variable file) for subsequent processing evaluation.

The Skywatch® Guard Android™ application:
weather measurements, local data logger with alarm functions, online data transfer to the Skywatch site

The Android™ application for the Skywatch® BL1000 has been designed for easy and quick usability and clear operation. Once installed on the device, it is sufficient to turn on the Skywatch® BL1000 and the connection is already established. Thanks to Bluetooth, the days of protracted pairing attempts are over. The status of the Skywatch® BL1000 is indicated by a blue LED at the base of the device.

Depending on the configuration, the application offers several options for weather monitoring.

Menus are in English, German or French (selected by the language settings of the smartphone or tablet).

Visual monitoring of live measurements

The overview screen offers all important data at a glance. This makes it easy to check the measured values simply by observing the display.

In addition to the measurements, the overview screen also indicates:

  • Battery charge level of the BL1000
  • If an alarm has occurred
  • Blinking red circle to indicate recording is in progress (default).

Historical data stored on the smartphone

By tapping on one of the screen quadrants, you may view the measurement data history of the individual sensors (wind speed, temperature, air humidity and air pressure as a line chart).

Mean values, minimum and maximum values are recorded with dashed lines. The period for which the measured data remains visible as a line chart is adjustable between 10 seconds and 6 hours. The line graphs can be scaled to take a closer look at specific measurement points.

Two adjustable alarm levels for wind speed

The Skywatch® Guard APP is equipped with two wind speed alarms: warning and danger.

In addition, a normal wind speed may be defined which cancels the alarms if the wind speed reduces below a defined level (if the normal wind speed is undefined, any alarms created will continue until manually cancelled).

The two wind speeds at which the alarm is to be triggered can be freely defined in the settings in meters per second.

























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